Monday, September 20, 2010

Must be nice...

We've all heard it. Comments from a woman we know who works on how we "Get to stay home and not do anything all day". How do we respond to that? Many times our first impulse is to shoot back some nasty comment about how this woman has chosen herself over her family and that staying home is a real sacrifice on our part. At that point, we must remember Psalm 19:14: Let the words of my mouth be pleasing in Your sight, oh Lord.
So where do we go from here? We share with them the holy calling we have received as women, to build our homes, care for our families, and glorify the Father through our work. How do we make our house a home? We work REALLY REALLY hard, that's how. We sacrifice the things that many think they can't live without, in order to survive on one income. We may go without trips to the salon, or to the spa with our girl fiends, in order to make sure that our home is the warm, loving, welcoming place that our families deserve to come home to. We clean with love, scrub with the intent to please, and fill our homes with joy and serenity. A home maker's work is never done, and it is an honor to have been chosen for such a task. So, I set out on my journey with a specific goal in mind... to become a little more like the proverbs 31 woman each day. Maybe we can take this trip together.

1 comment:

  1. I say " Yes I am really really lucky I have a husband that wants to solely provide for his family without his wife's income, it's exactly how God commanded it to be."
